zaterdag 11 februari 2012

love for youtube

I love watching videos on youtube.
I like a lot of people their videos, but this are the ones I like the most...

macbarbie07 Most of the time she makes beauty videos. I think she's has really nice and creative ways of filming and I always enjoy watching her video's.

cutepolish I'm so in love with these nail art tutorials, they are very special and so beautiful. Even though the videos are really simple made, they are wonderful to watch.

kidrauhl I'm a belieber for life. So I love love love watching Justin's videos. Don't have to say more, I guess.

There're a lot more videos I love to watch, but these 3 are definitely the channels I watch videos from the most!
What are your favorite youtubers?
xoxo Stella

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Ik doe niet heel veel met youtube, maar vind van die haar filmpjes altijd heeeel handig, ben zelf absoluut niet creatief met mijn haar namelijk!
